Avzivi? (BAT1706) is Bio-Thera Solution’second FDA approved product in the United States Avzivi? is the second biosimilar researched,developed, and manufactured by a Chinese pharmaceutical company to receive FDAapproval in the United States Guangzhou, China – December 7, 2023 – Bio-TheraSolu...
DetailsGuangzhou, China--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Bio-Thera Solutions, Ltd. (SH: 688177), a commercial-stagepharmaceutical company, today announced that dosing has begun in Phase 1clinical study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics, safety, and preliminaryanti-tumor activity of BAT6026 ,a highly differentiated monoclo...
Guangzhou, China--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Bio-Thera Solutions, Ltd. (SH: 688177) , a commercial-stage pharmaceuticalcompany, today announced that dosing has begun in Phase 1 clinical study to evaluatethe pharmacokinetics, safety, and preliminary anti-tumor activity of BAT6021, amonoclonal antibody with enh...
Guangzhou, China --(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Bio-TheraSolutions, Ltd. (SH: 688177), a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company, todayannounced that dosing has begun in Phase I clinical study to compare thepharmacokinetics and safety of BAT6026, an agonist monoclonal antibodytargeting OX40 in cancer patient vo...